Thursday, October 30, 2014


HW for Thurs/Friday:  Read and take notes on the section on lipids: pp 67-70.  Pay attention to the way that the chemical structure of lipids determines the characteristics of these molecules.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014


HW for Wednesday night: read and notes Carbohydrates: pp 59- 66.

(note: the text calls dehydration synthesis "condensation."  You can think of it as the monomers condensing into a polymer.)

You should focus on vocab words, as well as details to go in the chart we worked on in class.  Pay attention to how the shape of the polysaccharides affects the role that the molecule fulfills for the cell.  As you read fill in any notes in the outline from class that you didn't get to. 

Monday, October 27, 2014

Dehydration Synthesis and Hydrolysis

HW Monday night/Tuesday night is to finish the dehydration synthesis activity.  Yes, you can Google.  That means you can research info to help you answer the questions, learn more about dehydration synthesis, hydrolysis, etc.

For example, here's a handy animation showing dehydration synthesis and hydrolysis.

Friday, October 24, 2014

Biochem reading

There is a PDF in the Unit 2A folder called "Organic Molecules Reading."  For Monday, read and take notes on pp. 54-57, starting with the summary about water on p 54.  Then focus on the characteristics of carbon and the structure of the functional groups on page 57.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Wrapping up Unit 1

Tonight look over the document in the Unit 1 folder called "The Results section."  There is additional information here on what I am looking for in the final version of your Bird Beak results.  Final due Friday.

Make sure you (or your partner) turned in the cladogram picture from the in-class activity and the Earthviewer document.  Everyone should also have turned in "Qs to go with Origins How Life Began."

The End of Q1 is next Friday.  All work needs to be in by then.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

End of Evolution Unit

Final assignment in Evolution is to watch portions of the Origins: How life began video (link here). Answer the questions on the document in the shared folder.

Also in the folder there is a list of topics and resources called "Evolution Study Guide."  You should at least look this over the final day before the test (Squids Friday, Jellies Monday) and come prepared with questions.

Don't forgot to make sure that you or your partner turned in the "Earthviewer" Qs.

Test on Tuesday 10/21.  Final of Results section due 10/24.  We'll talk more about the results section before the final is due.

Just kidding...evolution never ends!

Tuesday, October 14, 2014


For HW, start reading here, and read to the end (where it says "You have now reached the end of Evolution 101...").

Make sure your Results draft is in.  Final due Friday 10/24.

Test on Evolution on Tuesday 10/21.

Friday, October 10, 2014

Cladogram activities

What did T. rex taste like?  Go to student start, then choose folder 3.  Complete folders 3 and 4.  This activity works on the iPad.

Build a cladogram.  Start by filling out the data table.  This one does NOT work on the iPad.  Complete using a laptop in class or at a home computer.  Use your iPad to take a picture of the cladogram you drew and send this to your shared folder.

Homework: start here, read the next four pages (much of this is review of what we did in class).  When you get to the five examples of using the trees (whale, cichlid etc) you can scan/read briefly.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Speciation reading

For HW tonight read and take notes on the following:  start here, and read up through Cospeciation. Stop at Macroevolution.

Don't forget to work on your Results section draft as well.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

The Results Section

Draft of a Results section due on Friday.  Check the notes in the shared folder.

Here's what you should include for EACH of the three parts that we did (Natural Selection on Day 1, Mutation and Gene Flow on Day 2):

  • A data table
  • A graph or chart the BEST shows the changes in allele frequency that occurred over the generations
  • A short paragraph describing the results in words along with any trends that occurred

You should also include a data table and short paragraph about the seeds on the island (from Day 1), as well as the Chi-squared analysis for Natural Selection (you can either type it out or write it in Notability, then import it as a PDF or take a screen shot and bring it in as a picture).

When you are done everything should be on ONE document.  You'll have to decide where it is easiest to assemble it all (Notability, Drive or some other program).  Neatness and organization of your sections will contribute to the grade for the final (draft due Friday).

The snail paper and motorcycle paper are available in the shared folder if you want to take a look at real results sections.