Friday, January 30, 2015

Jelly Weekend HW, Squid Monday night HW

Watch the animation for Lesson 10.  The document to fill out is in the Unit 3 folder.  Remember that you can view the animation on a laptop or desktop, or use the app Puffin Browser (x-out of the window asking for the email address) to make the animation work on your iPad.

Jellies should do this over the weekend; Squids should do this Monday night.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Beginning of Q3 and Snow Day

Happy Snow Day, everyone!

Reminder for everyone to get any missing Q2 work in ASAP.  Some people are still missing the Paperclip Meiosis document.  Remember, the movie is extra credit and does NOT count in place of doing the regular assignment.  A few people are missing the Stem Cells thing.  Info for both assignments can be found in the 2D folder.

Coming up- Squids, you should look over the document I just posted in the Unit 3 folder called "Mendelian Genetics HW notes."  This is a copy of a lecture from another teacher in Belmont.  Its just another resource to review what we did in class on Monday.  Solve the three problems on the last slide.

For your viewing pleasure: School is closed.  Your move, Mr. Sills.

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Weekend HW

The non-extra credit (ie mandatory) part of Paperclip Meiosis is to make a document with a picture and description (can be bulleted list) of each of the phases or steps listed on the assignment.  Finish up any descriptions you need for the Paperclip Meiosis.  Make sure you turn it in to your folder when you are complete.

If you made a movie (that is, if you are the person with the movie on your iPad), send me an email and I will add you to an iCloud photo album.  Then look for an email with an invitation to the Meiosis photo album.  From Lego Movie Maker, upload your movie to your camera roll, then you should be able to share it to the Meiosis album.  You have until the end of the quarter to turn in the movie for extra credit.

Continue reviewing for unit 2D quiz.  Outline in the 2D folder.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

HW tonight: Meiosis reading

HW tonight is the meiosis reading in the Unit 2D folder.  Reminder that there will be a quiz on Unit 2D next week (Tuesday/Wednesday).  Review outline in the 2D folder.

Video from today:

Monday, January 5, 2015

First day back

Welcome back- I hope you all had a restful break.

Coming up we will be wrapping up Unit 2D with meiosis.  Quiz on all of Unit 2D will be on 1/13 and 1/14.  Check the folder for the study outline.

HW tonight:  begin reviewing for quiz next week.  Also make sure your Drive folder is up to date, including Osmosis lab final, strawberry lab, stem cell thing (from in class on the laptops).

Animation of meiosis: