Monday, March 30, 2015

Week of March 30th

Monday/Tuesday: notes on the human circulatory system.  You will get about 20min to work on books in class.

Wednesday (55min): Your choice- you can use this time to put the last touches on your book and/or review for the quiz.  If we have time we will briefly present the books.  I recommend looking at each other's books to help review for the quiz (also the review guide, in Unit 4, also Mader text book and Bozeman Science videos).

Thursday/Friday: quiz on Digestive, Excretory, Respiratory, Circulatory systems, in animal phyla and humans.  Format will be multiple choice, probably some labeling, probably some comparison of systems across different animals, including humans (remember, when in doubt the answer is surface area!).  The quiz will be designed to be finished in about 35 minutes to accommodate Friday's half day.

What does the spleen do?

Colbert Space Treadmill

Friday, March 27, 2015

Books and Upcoming Quiz

As mentioned before, book projects are due on Wednesday April 1st.  On Monday/Tuesday we will do notes on the human circulatory system, but it shouldn't take all class.  You can use the remainder of time to work together on the books.

I made a folder within the Unit 4 folder to share your book to when done.  You all have editing privileges so you should be able to upload the books.  Each of you should review the other books to prepare for the upcoming quiz, which will be on Thursday/Friday.  Friday is a half day so the quiz will be short (30 min) for each class.

Review guide is posted in the folder (Review guide DERC: digestive, excretory. respiratory and circulatory, get it?).  Look it over this weekend and come in prepared with questions.

Friday, March 20, 2015

Upcoming Work

The "Integrated Body Systems" project is posted in the unit 4 folder.  Please check there to see who is in your group.  This will be especially important to coordinate for sophomores who may miss class during MCAS next week.  The project will be due on April 1.  You should download Book Creator (free version from App Store- although technically only one group member needs this), and the Skitch app (also free) may be useful for labeling your drawings.

The next two systems we will discuss will be the respiratory (gas exchange) and circulatory (internal transport) systems.  I suggest reading these chapters either the day before or the day after we discuss them in class.  Below is the schedule for next week- posted so sophomores (or anyone) can plan ahead.  It should help you plan out your reading and prep for the book project as well.

Monday: Jellies will discuss excretory system.  Squids no class.

Tuesday: Jellies no class, Squids will discuss respiratory system in animal phyla.

Wednesday: Jellies will discuss respiratory system in animal phyla, Squids will discuss respiration in humans.  Link to lung model HERE

Thursday: Jellies will discuss respiration in humans.  I will be out this day: you should read over the lecture notes on your own.

Friday: (no MCAS) Both sections will be discussing circulation in animal phyla.

Because sophomores will be missing class,and I will be out one day, I will be posting lectures with notes filled in for respiration (both for animals and for humans).  Between the notes, the text, and other resources like Bozeman Science, you should be able to piece things together, with maybe a few questions to ask on Friday.

Thursday, March 19, 2015

HW Thursday night

Read and notes on Ch 16 from the Mader folder on Excretion.  Focus on the function of the nephron.

Link to Bozeman Science Anatomy and Physiology playlist.

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Reading on Digestion

Squids- Tuesday night, Jellies- Wednesday night:

Please read and take notes/highlight/underline CH 14 on Digestion, pp 260-271.

Also please download the free version of Book Creator from the App Store for an upcoming project.  (Don't tell any other teachers- you only get one book on the free version!!)

Monday, March 16, 2015

Intro to Unit 4, Anatomy and Physiology

HW tonight (Monday night 3/16) is a little bit of a hodge-podge of different readings, just laying the groundwork for this unit.

All can be found in the Mader folder.  Please read and take notes on

Ch 11: pp 206-207 (overview of body systems)
Ch 11: pp 210-212 (how homeostasis is maintained)
Ch 30: pp 618-620 (overview of animal phyla)

Tomorrow we will begin with the digestive system.

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Biotech resources

For anyone who was out at the field trip today, you can run through this virtual lab on gel electrophoresis:

In class on Wednesday/Thursday, the virtual DNA microarray:  If you are out one of these days you can review 2 of 2 Genetics Recombinant DNA.

Friday, March 6, 2015

Post-quiz HW

Only HW for the next few days is the Corn Lab final.  Due Wednesday the 11th.

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Thursday March 5th, Instructions for class time while I am out

Today you will take your Protein Synthesis Quiz.  Unfortunately I will not be available to answer questions.  Do your best and if necessary explain your thinking on the quiz document.

After the quiz begin reviewing the feedback on your Corn Lab.  Please be sure to check the rubric in the Unit 3 folder.  The final will be due on Wednesday the 11th.

Up next- a quick three day mini-unit on biotechnology.  If you finish the quiz early and are looking for something else to do during class time, please read pp 498-503 in Mader, Ch 24.

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Quiz on Protein Synthesis, Lab Final

There will be a quiz on protein synthesis on Thursday.  25 multiple choice, 20 points of open response.

After the quiz please begin work on your Corn Lab final.  Everyone will have feedback on the Corn lab drafts by Thursday morning.  The finals will be due on Wednesday the 11th.

Monday, March 2, 2015

Lac Operon Flow chart

HW: complete a flow chart describing how the lac operon works.  Detailed instructions are on the last page of the DNAftb Lesson 33 document in the Unit 3 folder.

There are lots of resources online about how to make flow charts.  You don't need to go crazy on the rules and conventions of the flow chart; it's more important that the content is correct.

Another sample: