Thursday, December 11, 2014

Weekend HW

-Make sure you have completed the notes on Lessons 17-20 (17 and 18 we did in class.  If you are doing these on your own, note that we only did the last third or so of lesson 18).

-Answer the questions on the strawberry lab and share in your folder.  If you didn't do it in class you can do it at home- it only takes 10 minutes and everything you need you can get at the grocery store.  Use rubbing alcohol for the ethanol and an unfolded paperclip for the extraction loop.

-Read and take notes on the DNA replication reading in the 2D folder.  Pay attention to the steps of replication as well as the purposes of the three enzymes helicase, DNA polymerase and ligase.

Here is a really good animation of DNA replication (but unfortunately it doesn't work on iPads).  Don't worry about the RNA primer or about any of the enzymes besides the three we discussed in class.

**ALMOST FORGOT!!***  I am in the process of giving feedback on your osmosis labs.  Jellies are all done.  Squids, I will be done with yours by the end of the day today.  Finals are due Dec 23rd.  Remember to check the rubric in the Unit 2C folder.

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