Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Shared folders on Drive

Day One Tasks (2 parts)

1. Look in your Drive for a shared folder from me (Jellies or Squids).  Find the Unit 0 folder, open and read the Policies and Procedures.  Please contact me with any questions.

2. Create a folder with the following title: <Lastname> <firstname> <section>.  Share this folder with me.  This is where you will turn in completed work.  Your classmates will not have access to your assignment folder.

HW: Download and complete the Safety PDQ from the Unit 0 folder.  You do NOT need to share your completed HW back to me.  I will check it in class.

Jellies- this HW is due Thursday; Squids on Friday.

For today only (and for parents and guardians to see) here is the Policies and Procedures Info

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