Friday, September 19, 2014

Weekend Homework

Up next we'll be taking an in-depth look at Evolution.  For Monday please watch up to 22:30 of this video (From the 2001 PBS Series Evolution, Episode 4: The Arms Race).

You should pay attention to the two stories presented in this section: the arms race between the snakes and the newts, and the evolution of antibiotic-resistant TB bacteria.

Questions to think about:  How did the newts evolve such a potent poison?  How did the snakes evolve resistance to this poison?  Why do bacteria evolve so rapidly compared to people (as in, how come they became resistant to medicine and we didn't become resistant to them)?  Why would certain individuals in each of these populations survive or perish?

Take some notes on these two stories and jot down any ideas or answers you have regarding these questions so we can discuss next class.

Have a good weekend!

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